
The 360* Development Program at RIS is all about striking the right balance. With appropriate emphasis on wellbeing, exploration, value sensitization, the students at RIS are poised to grow into well groomed and responsible adults. At RIS, children are at the core of every learning and developmental initiative.  Our focus is to provide a strong foundation and put children on fast track of growth and empowerment.

At RIS ,the co-scholastic program has been carefully devised and integrated into the learning curriculum. With emphasis on all aspects of development the program has been categorized under specific modules with outcomes that are mapped.


A unique program that focuses on the physical, mental and emotional health of our children. Mentored by experts from the field of medical sciences, child psychology and child care, Happiness Unlimited ensures that our children are healthy, wealthy and wise. The Happiness Unlimited program begins with a joke of the day, riddles, tongue twisters, widest smile ever and many fun exercises that get our children and the team all charged up and active. We believe that a relaxed and happy mind enables one to enjoy learning and cherish life.

Physical health and wellness is catered to by a full time medical representative under the collaboration of a leading hospital of Malad. Workshops on physical health, being fit, right eating habits, importance of play and much more all are part of Happiness Unlimited module.


A unique module that builds confidence and positive self-esteem amongst children, educators and parents at RIS. The culture of encouragement, acknowledgement and recognizing achievements is all part of this unique module. The idea is to encourage the children to face their fears and overcome them. The program incorporates physical activity, case studies, scenario building, storytelling, theater workshops to bring to focus the aspect of making impossible – possible.


Educational support program that focuses on the Mathematics, English & Science. An enrichment module implemented through customized small group sessions focusing on conceptual clarity and revisiting the basics. The idea is to ensure concept clarity rather than rote learning. The module also works at sharpening the memory of students through innovative learning techniques thus striking the right balance between knowledge attained and applied.


Creative expression through Art & Aesthetics, Music & Dance are an integral part of development at RIS. Specially designed, age appropriate curriculums for art, creativity and aesthetics give a different dimension to learning at RIS. Ranging from understanding the nuances of art, to creating your first doodle to critically analyzing an artist’s work or piece of architecture, the Art & Aesthetics program opens new frontiers of understanding and application.

Music & Dance program is the heartbeat of the school. Offering both Indian classical music and dance and western music and dance, the school aims at covering the entire spectrum. With equal emphasis on instrumental and vocals, the program involves all the students from Pre-Primary to Higher Secondary. Theater, Dance-Drama, Music Workshops are part of Expressions module at RIS.

PE & Sports

The Sports & Physical Endurance Program at RIS aims at building the fitness culture amongst children and adults. With wide range of offerings ranging from Yoga, PT exercises, play fitness, primary level obstacle courses, concentration based exercises the physical endurance program builds stamina, agility, flexibility and strength thus laying a strong foundation for pursuing any sport.

The sports program under the able guidance of coaches enables the children to pursue any one sport and excel in the same. The school offers both indoor and outdoor sport for one to choose from. Participating in various competitions at state , national and international levels, representing the school team ensures that students test their metal against the best.

STEM Learning

Freedom to experiment, apply and innovate is what STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) brings to the table. The STEM learning program begins from Pre Primary and continues till Primary Grade. Under the assistance of a moderator, the children get to make 3 D models, working projects, work on issues relating to society and infrastructure. With ample material available for creating, constructing and de- constructing, the STEM program ignites ideation amongst the students.

The stem program also works closely with Industry to create scenarios which are more real and close to the market and society.

Tech Frontiers

The Tech Frontiers program opens a window into the future. Powered by devices and software from Microsoft, Apple and Google the school aims at optimizing the tech tools for teaching and learning. Our aim is to introduce our children to technologies of future and enable to understand the application of the same to solve real world problems.

With Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, robotics modules as part of the learning program, the idea is to appreciate the breakthrough technologies that are changing the face of the world.

The Green Brigade

We believe that environmental consciousness is one of the key requirements of 21st century. A structured program that sensitizes the children towards importance of plantation, climate change, waste management, water conservation and respecting wildlife and life is all part for the Green Brigade program at RIS.

Nature Zone, Flower Pods, Butterfly Park & Best from Waste Zones are naturally integrated and supplement the program at RIS. We believe that children if sensitized at an early age can become the ambassadors of change.


Movies, stories, theater, role plays, scenario mapping are all part of the Values & Virtues Program at RIS. Developing good habits, respecting others and accepting others ensure that children imbibe love, care and compassion for all. Our community outreach program in association with NGO’s also ensure that children are part of the social change at an early age. We believe that with right parenting and a positive environment at school we can inspire our children to become good human beings first.


Reading is must for all at RIS. The Bookworm program is moderated and pushed aggressively through our centralized library. Children are encouraged to read, interpret and analyze. Our aim is to develop the love for reading. Book reviews, role plays, leisure reading, advanced reading are all part of the Bookworm Program at RIS.

“At RIS, we celebrate all the cultural festivities, organize frequent fields trips for all children, conduct in school competitions, debates declamations, quizzes, Olympiads, DIY Projects (Do it yourself workshops), Family engagement days and much more. The core agenda is to create platforms for all children, teachers and families to collaborate and make a happy learning community.”

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